Welcome to the
South West Regional Ports Association
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The South West Regional ports Association has evolved from what was formerly a Devon & Cornwall harbour networking group and in response to requests from regional & local government agencies to provide a single point of contact for ports in the South West Region and now covers the region to include the Isles of Scilly, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Bristol, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire.

As we emerge from some difficult economic times since 2008 and with the added imposition on some commercial ports of the Pilots National Pension Fund deficit charge there are some encouraging signs for ports in the south west as the benefits they can offer to both existing and emerging industries are increasingly evident. “Green” is a word we are all familiar with and there is no greener or more sustainable transport option than transport by sea. Wind, tide & wave energy initiatives develop at pace along our coastline and each involves the use of port infrastructure and services from which we can all benefit.

Our Member Ports

Member ports are represented by professionals with a wealth of expertise and the Association is supported by a strong network of knowledgeable colleagues throughout the region. This website provides links to each of our members’ home sites; over 35 ports in the south west. I hope you now know where to come for port and harbour business and information in the South West, that you find this site useful and that you support the ports industry in the South West and help them to create and sustain a vibrant economy in the region.

SWRPA Downloads

Below are links to our member directories and other useful information.

Get In Touch

Please complete the contact form below to contact the SWRPA

Ports provide a focal point for tourists and traders alike. A family trip to the beach or around the bay whilst a cargo vessel sails out of the port focuses thought on the fact that ports are multi-faceted and create opportunities for a diverse range of uses whist at the same time providing a significant tourist fascination and attraction.

As a tourist destination the attraction of the smaller regional ports is well established. Recent marketing developments in the cruise ship industry, notably by ‘Destination South West’, a body which many of our members are part of, have led to a growth in the number of cruise ship visits to our ports. This ensures ports in the South West are exposed to maximum publicity for potential visitors from both land and sea. We aim to continue to encourage cruise ship visits to South West Ports.

We look forward to engaging with the Local Enterprise Partnerships as they continue to develop in the region.

We also aim to represent the views of our members with regard to current & evolving ports policy, and to act as a link for all agencies involved with the operations ports undertake.

Ports provide a focal point for tourists and traders alike. A family trip to the beach or around the bay whilst a cargo vessel sails out of the port focuses thought on the fact that ports are multi-faceted and create opportunities for a diverse range of uses whist at the same time providing a significant tourist fascination and attraction.

As a tourist destination the attraction of the smaller regional ports is well established. Recent marketing developments in the cruise ship industry, notably by ‘Destination South West’, a body which many of our members are part of, have led to a growth in the number of cruise ship visits to our ports. This ensures ports in the South West are exposed to maximum publicity for potential visitors from both land and sea. We aim to continue to encourage cruise ship visits to South West Ports.

We look forward to engaging with the Local Enterprise Partnerships as they continue to develop in the region.

We also aim to represent the views of our members with regard to current & evolving ports policy, and to act as a link for all agencies involved with the operations ports undertake.

Ports provide a focal point for tourists and traders alike. A family trip to the beach or around the bay whilst a cargo vessel sails out of the port focuses thought on the fact that ports are multi-faceted and create opportunities for a diverse range of uses whist at the same time providing a significant tourist fascination and attraction.

As a tourist destination the attraction of the smaller regional ports is well established. Recent marketing developments in the cruise ship industry, notably by ‘Destination South West’, a body which many of our members are part of, have led to a growth in the number of cruise ship visits to our ports. This ensures ports in the South West are exposed to maximum publicity for potential visitors from both land and sea. We aim to continue to encourage cruise ship visits to South West Ports.

We look forward to engaging with the Local Enterprise Partnerships as they continue to develop in the region.

We also aim to represent the views of our members with regard to current & evolving ports policy, and to act as a link for all agencies involved with the operations ports undertake.

We will respond to consultations and, where appropriate, supply evidence in response to requests from government departments and other relevant agencies.

We aim to highlight the importance of port economies to local and regional government and, where practicable, ensure the core business of ports, be it commercial or leisure, are protected from developments which affect their viability.

Our ‘Gateways for Growth” document, due to be updated shortly, expands on these themes and adds weight to the arguments in favour of support for the ports sector. I would like to thank the British Ports Association for their assistance in both producing and updating this work.

H1 Sub-Title

H2 Sub-Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed quis erat lectus. Donec eget tellus vel neque consectetur aliquam non eget nisi. Etiam a viverra diam. Nunc sem dolor, luctus eget risus a, scelerisque placerat erat.

  • Praesent aliquet orci sed dapibus volutpat.
  • Donec venenatis felis a condimentum tempus.
  • Mauris eleifend sem eu laoreet ultrices. Mauris eleifend sem eu laoreet ultrices. Mauris eleifend sem eu laoreet ultrices.
  • Pellentesque ac nisl a nibh tempus aliquet.
  • Etiam maximus est eget mi hendrerit, vel porta magna dignissim.

Nam tristique vehicula lacinia. Etiam vel lacus massa. Quisque hendrerit nisi eros, at suscipit dui ultricies ac. Nullam rhoncus ornare metus, ut dignissim ligula porta eget. Vestibulum in laoreet justo.

H3 Sub-Title

Mauris neque ex, malesuada quis scelerisque eget, scelerisque sed enim. Aenean faucibus quis neque ac efficitur. Aliquam placerat turpis et quam scelerisque eleifend. Pellentesque ornare efficitur quam, eu mollis orci cursus in. Donec nec turpis eget purus ultrices sodales. Cras sed libero justo. Aliquam tincidunt ex et tincidunt semper.

H4 Sub-Title

Quisque ultricies magna quam, vel molestie sem mattis eget. Proin aliquet porta velit. Ut gravida nisi ac turpis efficitur dignissim. Etiam sodales elementum tempor. Proin porta porta scelerisque. Ut neque erat, pulvinar id mi molestie, convallis ultrices mi. Ut viverra varius nunc vel imperdiet. Aenean lacus magna, bibendum in bibendum at, malesuada ut diam. Suspendisse iaculis dolor massa, quis facilisis neque porttitor volutpat. Sed tincidunt dignissim dapibus. Etiam egestas finibus nisi, nec ornare lectus. Phasellus vulputate porttitor leo, ut dapibus enim condimentum non. Vestibulum auctor et neque vulputate varius. Praesent eu purus nibh.

H5 Sub-Title

Mauris vulputate ultricies aliquet. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc leo turpis, faucibus ut arcu in, consectetur luctus lectus. Phasellus nulla quam, placerat vel condimentum eu, dapibus vitae dolor. Nunc lacus elit, aliquet sed laoreet ut, posuere id felis. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus eu enim suscipit libero venenatis fermentum. Donec semper magna non magna pulvinar, ut sollicitudin diam accumsan. Aliquam fringilla commodo neque. Morbi auctor, dui sit amet imperdiet consequat, augue mi lacinia erat, ut egestas augue est vitae nulla. Proin condimentum egestas eros vel suscipit. Donec id magna dolor. Nunc sed justo ac felis rhoncus euismod at fringilla eros. Vivamus id tortor vel felis ultricies eleifend at a justo. Praesent ut ex augue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

H6 Sub-Title

In efficitur auctor leo, a dictum ante suscipit sit amet. Vivamus fermentum feugiat dui nec blandit. In justo arcu, fringilla eu accumsan id, blandit nec magna. Cras laoreet suscipit tellus, at pulvinar purus maximus at. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque venenatis neque ut ex fermentum, vitae varius urna iaculis. Integer leo purus, condimentum nec dapibus non, cursus sit amet neque. Cras mauris lorem, eleifend vel nulla et, finibus tristique metus. Mauris bibendum mattis sollicitudin. Nam et turpis nec lectus faucibus convallis ut et sapien. In porta turpis ut orci congue, vitae tincidunt elit efficitur. Ut dictum nulla pulvinar, volutpat turpis eget, sagittis nisi. Vestibulum et tellus bibendum, accumsan magna ut, placerat tortor.

Aenean porttitor quam at ipsum venenatis sollicitudin. Vivamus iaculis hendrerit sem eget elementum. Maecenas et massa quis nulla lobortis consequat ut vitae dui. Maecenas condimentum libero non sapien mollis pretium. Vestibulum iaculis feugiat scelerisque. Donec libero dui, accumsan et nisl et, euismod ullamcorper arcu. Vestibulum cursus lobortis mi. Cras vitae lacus elit. Vivamus vitae diam laoreet, pulvinar eros convallis, suscipit enim. Curabitur vitae iaculis velit. Maecenas non fringilla urna. Integer ut facilisis urna. Etiam at maximus lectus.

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